Second Solar Power Station in Liberia

In July 2019, a solar power station was built and commissioned at the United Methodist University in city of Gbarnga, fully financed and sponsored from the United States. The city of Gbarnga has an estimated 40.000 inhabitants without access to electricity. At the opening of the solar power station SunErgy was invited by the Mayor of Gbarnga and the District Officer (Fylkesmannen) of Bong County, in which Gbarnga is located to start its activities. Furthermore, SunErgy was also invited to start activities in the Nimba County (neighboring county of Bong) with the main city being Ghanta with an estimated 40.000 inhabitants.

The solar power station at the United Methodist University in Gbarnga has been monitored via Internet from Norway/Poland regarding to production and consumption. Similar system will be introduced in all villages, enabling SunErgy to monitor production, consumption and the function of the system at any time.

New Solar Power Plant in Kotto 1

September 8, 2017 will be a milestone day in the history of Kotto 1; they will have access to electricity, Cable TV and Internet.

Mr. Mike Fohba, Managing Director of SunErgy Cameroon and his 30 member team are working hard and diligently to make a brighter and more prosperous future come through for the people of Kotto 1.

On our visit to Kotto 1 a couple of weeks ago, we were accompanied by a team from HiTV in Buea who made the following report for you to enjoy.

Please spread the good news. Let the world know!


Getting Closer in Kotto 1

On September 8, 2017 we will switch on electricity in Kotto 1 – the third village in the project.

Work is going full speed ahead with more than twenty people working in the village wiring homes, constructing the solar park and building the grid for electricity, cable TV and Internet.

The excitement and expectation is to be felt as soon as you arrive at the village; the dawn of a new day!

Enclosed are four pictures from Dr. Skjorshammers visit last week, showing young electrician going to wire a home, a home just being wired, pulling a 2.000 meter cable for the grid from the solar power station to the road by hand and pulling 4.000 meter cable constructing the grid using a car. Hard manual work! But then, we are deep into the rainforest. Not very sophisticated, but it works. The rainy season does not make it any easier. Soon September 8 is here and more than 100 years of darkness turns to light! More than 3.000 people will experience pure joy. Waiting is over!


Packed and ready to go to Monrovia, Liberia

The Solar power station for Judith Craig`s Village for the seventy-four homeless children in Monrovia, Liberia is packed and ready for shipment (07.05.2017).

By the end of July the children will flip a switch for light enabling them to do the things you and I take for granted; school work after dark, watching television, experiencing the security of street lights, etc.; this and much more for less than 4 cents per day per child for the next thirty years. Almost for free. A true energy miracle! All sponsored and paid for by the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church in Norway.

And the best! We can repeat the same in an endless number of similar projects all around the world; giving young and old a new life and a better future.

Finally, something to contemplate; one hotdog bought in Norway at a gasoline station will bring electricity for one day to almost 150 children in a similar situation as the seventy-four children at Judith Crag´s Village.