Successful two-week course PV off-grid installations

Together with our partners Prosumer Solutions, Glava Energy Centre and TechBridge we had a successful training in December 2021. This project was partly funded by NORAD. The students we able to participate in a very intense and profound two-week course on PV off-grid installations:

Module 1: Basics on electrical engineering and electrical grids

Module 2: Renewable energy systems

Module 3: Photovoltaic basics and system components

Module 4: PV system planning and sizing

Module 5: Mounting, installation, operation, maintenance

See also some picture of this great and successful support in education in the area of electrical engineering for PV off-grid solutions.


Bjørseth was elected Chairman of SunErgy Board of Directors on the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting on December 14.

“We are very fortunate and pleased to have Dr. Bjørseth as chairman. His success and reputation in the field of solar energy, not least as the founder of Renewable Energy Corporation and Scatec Solar is invaluable.

Our vision is to build SunErgy into a global leading in providing electricity to off-grid village. Through offering electricity, Internet and Cable Television we will enable millions of people to escape poverty, moving into a brighter and more prosperous future” says Dr. Stein Skjørshammer, Managing Director of the company.

Other new members elected were Mr. Jon Skjørshammer, partner at the law firm SANDS and Mr. Jon Rømer Sandberg, owner of the investment and consulting firm Belvedere.

Ole Hallvard Haugen and Stein Skjorshammer will remain on the Board.

“While greeting the new board members welcome we should also thank Mr. Magnar Bjørk and Mr. Pål Klouman, outgoing members for their dedicated and inspiration contributions while being on the Board. They have served us well”, Dr. Skjorshammer concludes.

We want what you have in Europe

“We want what you have in Europe” stressed a council member in one of the ”SunErgy villages” at the visit to the village last week. ”We are eagerly waiting for you to bring us more electrical household equipment. Now we have television and radio. Are able to charge our mobile phones. Please bring us the rest. We want what you have in Europe!”

The take from this is that as soon as people get access to electricity they also get a craving for all the amenities going along with electricity and which you and I take for granted, such as hot water boilers, hair dryers, cooking plates, refrigerators, etc. Everything, which improves life and make it easier; like us they want the good life! There is no difference.

Believe it or not, by the end of this year, we will have brought and installed an estimated 8.000 light bulbs, more than 1.000 television sets and radios, hundreds of hot water boilers, hair dryers, shaving machines. More than hundred refrigerators, freezers and washing machines in addition to streetlights, computer rooms in schools, etc. The numbers are awesome with more (much more) to come as the project moves forward.

The council member did not ask for freebees. He did not beg. On the contrary, people pay for what they use or get, whether electricity, cable TV, Internet or any electrical household appliances. They buy!

People are willing to pay as we make it available. And we will!


More than 30 new jobs

Bokosso was the first village that “saw the light” about 1 1/2 year ago.

Upon the last visit to Bokosso (a week ago) we learned about the creation of more than thirty new jobs since the day the electricity was switched on. One is a bakery, which employs ten persons and delivers bread to Bokosso and twelve surrounding villages!

Another interesting eye-opener was all the building of new houses. In Bokosso alone more than five new houses have been built with additional being constructed. People are buying land to build on. As the Chief John Benga of Bokosso said in a television interview when switching on electricity: “Bokossso will never be the same. Houses will be built, jobs created. People will buy land and move to Bokosso.”

Chief Benga was right. Things are changing fast for the better for people in Bokosso, but not only for them. Soon development will reach the other villages in the region. People are already buying land and building new houses knowing that electricity, cable TV and Internet soon will come their way.

Prosperity and a brighter future is more than a dream. It`s a dream come true. Reality!
