More than 30 new jobs

Bokosso was the first village that “saw the light” about 1 1/2 year ago.

Upon the last visit to Bokosso (a week ago) we learned about the creation of more than thirty new jobs since the day the electricity was switched on. One is a bakery, which employs ten persons and delivers bread to Bokosso and twelve surrounding villages!

Another interesting eye-opener was all the building of new houses. In Bokosso alone more than five new houses have been built with additional being constructed. People are buying land to build on. As the Chief John Benga of Bokosso said in a television interview when switching on electricity: “Bokossso will never be the same. Houses will be built, jobs created. People will buy land and move to Bokosso.”

Chief Benga was right. Things are changing fast for the better for people in Bokosso, but not only for them. Soon development will reach the other villages in the region. People are already buying land and building new houses knowing that electricity, cable TV and Internet soon will come their way.

Prosperity and a brighter future is more than a dream. It`s a dream come true. Reality!
