New Town Bokosso up and running

It is with great pleasure to let you know that a couple of hours ago on 26.11.2016, we switched on the electricity in New Town Bokosso. According to Managing Director of SunErgy Cameroon, Mr. Mike Fohba it works perfect; people are jubilant and ready for a all night celebration! And thinking about it: what a way to start the advent season. Could it be more timely and perfect? Deep in the rainforest, seeing the light for the first time. More than symbolic!

With New Town Bokosso two villages are up and running. Work is under way on the third village: soon they will also see the light. And then, we will roll out, roll out ……… and roll out again, again and again!

The energy miracle is more than a dream; it`s a dream coming true. Eight hundred million people in Sub-Saharan Africa without access to electricity, there is no stopping now!