More than 30 new jobs

Bokosso was the first village that “saw the light” about 1 1/2 year ago.

Upon the last visit to Bokosso (a week ago) we learned about the creation of more than thirty new jobs since the day the electricity was switched on. One is a bakery, which employs ten persons and delivers bread to Bokosso and twelve surrounding villages!

Another interesting eye-opener was all the building of new houses. In Bokosso alone more than five new houses have been built with additional being constructed. People are buying land to build on. As the Chief John Benga of Bokosso said in a television interview when switching on electricity: “Bokossso will never be the same. Houses will be built, jobs created. People will buy land and move to Bokosso.”

Chief Benga was right. Things are changing fast for the better for people in Bokosso, but not only for them. Soon development will reach the other villages in the region. People are already buying land and building new houses knowing that electricity, cable TV and Internet soon will come their way.

Prosperity and a brighter future is more than a dream. It`s a dream come true. Reality!


New Town Bokosso up and running

It is with great pleasure to let you know that a couple of hours ago on 26.11.2016, we switched on the electricity in New Town Bokosso. According to Managing Director of SunErgy Cameroon, Mr. Mike Fohba it works perfect; people are jubilant and ready for a all night celebration! And thinking about it: what a way to start the advent season. Could it be more timely and perfect? Deep in the rainforest, seeing the light for the first time. More than symbolic!

With New Town Bokosso two villages are up and running. Work is under way on the third village: soon they will also see the light. And then, we will roll out, roll out ……… and roll out again, again and again!

The energy miracle is more than a dream; it`s a dream coming true. Eight hundred million people in Sub-Saharan Africa without access to electricity, there is no stopping now!

Happy Birthday

On  August 15, 2016 we will celebrate the one-year anniversary of switching on electricity in the village of Bokosso. In addition this past year we provided the people with access to cable TV and the Internet.

Next two Solar containers released on record time

We are hard working on electrifying villages enabling people to escape poverty, moving into a better and brighter future.

Yesterday, June 2 2016, two solar containers were released from the harbor in Douala on record time. First time we shipped containers to Cameroon, we struggled for six months to have the containers released. This time it took only four weeks. Real progress.

One may look for the reasons are behind this “real progress”. It could be a combination of several factors. One is that things are improving and moving forward in Cameroon, which is great and encouraging for future developments. The second (and for sure), we have also learned a thing or two about shipping containers to Cameron and having them released without any major hick-ups or delays. Both important. Time for celebration! Soon more families will have access to electricity, moving out of darkness to a brighter and more prosperous future.

In the containers was also school materials donated by the French company Hamelin to be distributed to schoolchildren in the villages when school starts this fall.


2.500 Dreams coming true in Kotho

On 17.03.2016 the next solar containers were loaded unto a ship destined for Cameroon and the village of Kotho. In a few months more than 500 families or 2.500 people, plus schools, health centers and businesses will see an end to their nightmare, and having electricity, cable TV and Internet.

Finally they have access to the outside world and a real opportunity to escape poverty, moving into a brighter and better future.

Years of darkness ending! All for less than one Cameroonian beer per day! Light triumphing darkness!

It can not get much better than this?!

In Sub-Saharan Africa there are 800 million more dreams waiting to come true. We are hard at work.